Psalm 40:1-3
“I waited patiently for the LORD; He inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD.”
To new guests and returning friends:
We come together as a community of women believers to worship our Savior, Jesus Christ! We are so happy that you have come to see what this year’s conference is all about. There are several options across the top of this main screen that should help you navigate through this page easily. If you have any questions at all, there is a “Contact Us” section on the bottom of the page that will get you a phone number. Also, to check out the churches that help to support the Hokes Bluff Women’s Conference and their ministries and missions, find the “About” section at the bottom of this page.
We are so excited to announce our 2024 theme “Meet Me There”. Please join us Friday and Saturday, August 16-17 at Cross Creek Community Church as we renew our minds and spirit and learn from each other. Please see the Speakers tab as well as the Adult Breakout Sessions and Youth Breakout Sessions tabs for more information on speakers and teachers for this year’s conference. Registration is OPEN and will go until the days of the conference. This year, the conference will only be $25 for adults or $20 for ages <25 and >55! T-Shirts will be available at the promotion days at area churches and on the day of the conference.
We want you to know that we have prayed for you and are continuing to pray for you. We look forward to seeing you there!
Much love and blessings!
The Hokes Bluff Women’s Conference Committee